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February Prayer Ministry

God calls each of us out of our comfort zone to serve him. Psalm 90

invites us to pray and trust that God will use our life in some way to

serve him. He constantly opens doors and provides plenty of

opportunities for all of us to serve him by bringing help and hope to

others. We might not always be watchful of all that is happening around

us or of what needs to be done. And if we are, we may be hesitant or

unwilling to step forward and accept the opportunities God places before


We are all created to help and serve others in some way. Since there

are a variety of needs and things to be done, God designed each of us

to serve him in different ways. You may have noticed that our

personalities are not the same, our interests are varied and the

experiences we have been through are different. And when God gave

out spiritual gifts to empower us, he did not give us all the same ones.

The gifts we receive are the ones specifically picked to enable us to do

what he wants, whenever and wherever they are needed.


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"Our mission is to grow in Christ and serve others". 

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