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May 2023 Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, as spring begins to arrive and we see new growth springing forth from the earth, let it remind us that we too have been given new life and new opportunities to grow through your son, Jesus. You have called us, as your children, to be abundant in our giving, to mend our broken relationships,

and to extend your goodness and mercy to others.

  • Give us glad and generous hearts so that we may be ready to praise you and respond to the needs all around us. Remove those feelings of resentment or guilt so that we may embrace your world with love and compassion. On May 4th, this years National Day of Prayer, may we all turn to you in prayer and meditation so that through our faith, your people may be united in working together for peace in this world.

  • Forgive us for our carelessness in our treatment and care of your creation. Help us to be better stewards of what you have given us. Show us ways to respect, love, protect and preserve this fragile planet. We pray for those who work the land and may they find favorable weather for both planting and growing crops.

  • Be with all who are hurting, who are sick and grieving, and for all who struggle to live each day. We lift up those on our prayer network and those named in our church prayers. Surround them all with your love, bring them comfort and send your healing touch.

  • Continue to work in the lives of the youth of our congregation. Be with those planning this summers mission trip and give us generous hearts in support of their fundraising activities.

  • As we near the end of another year of Faith in Action, we thank you for all the teachers and helpers who made this ministry possible. We ask that you lift up and call forth teachers and staff needed for the coming year so that his important ministry can continue to grow.

  • Be with all who are graduating this spring from high schools, colleges and other learning institutions. Guide them in this next phase of their life journey. May they continue to grow in their faith and knowledge of Jesus where ever life might take them. Protect and keep all our children safe over the summer months.

  • This Memorial Day weekend, be with all who will be traveling. Watch over them and keep them safe.

  • We thank you for the generations past who have given their lives to protect our freedom and for those who are currently serving our country. With so many distractions in today’s world, we fail to see you. So, open our eyes and hearts to signs of your presence in the world around us. May we be grateful for what we have and may we offer our thanks for the many gifts you continually bestow on us each and every day. AMEN


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