October 2022 Prayer Ministry
Dear Heavenly Father, as fall approaches, we are reminded of how quickly time passes, and how each season of the year brings changes...not only to our surroundings but also to our lives. You constantly remind us that your love is always with us and your mercies never stop. Each day you give us new things to enjoy and appreciate. Yet, we fill our lives with trivial things that distract us and pull us away from appreciating all that you constantly do for us. We desperately need your help to put aside our worries and our problems so our time can be spent focusing on all the good you have done for us. Open our eyes and our hearts to see and be grateful for the many gifts you bestow on us each and every day.
• Your creation is filled with beauty and grace. Full of color—full of life. Help us to see how important it is to restore and care for the beauty you have created for us to enjoy.
• Show us how we can be a congregation that shows love, compassion, wisdom and understanding to all people and may we extend your love and grace to all who we meet. Help us to be a sharing and supportive church as we pray for one another. We especially pray for the following each week in October.
• Week of October 2 – Tyler, Tara, Brody, Ruby, Harvey, and Sophie Soderstrom; Jake, Amanda, Tucker, and Paige Strecker; Roger and Shari Strecker
Week of October 9 – Jake, Jordan, Everly, and Odin Swing; Mike and Sue Temte; Glenda Thies; Hayden Thielen
Week of October 16 – Holden, Leah, Oliver, and Elsie Thielen; Philip and Janine Thielen; Walt, Kris, Luke, Eric, and Jill Thompson.
Week of October 23 –Conrad Thomsen; Gayle Ticen; Clint and Beverly Waddell; John and Jennifer Wegner
Week of October 30 – Jason and Jody Amundson; Carol Anderson; David and Joanne Anderson; Tom, Marcy, and Paige Anderson. • Let love and compassion guide the decisions of government and world leaders. Help break down barri- ers of hatred and prejudice between races, faiths, gender, age and may we have the capability to live peaceably together. Lead us in the path of justice so all who are in need will not be forgotten.
We need your strength to be caregivers in this world—to comfort the sick and those in pain, to help the forgotten, to console the grieving, and to serve wherever we are needed. We lift up to you all who are on our prayer network. Be with them all as you surround them with your love.
We ask your blessings on our youth who are affirming their baptism. Help us as a congregation to con- tinue to nurture and support them in their faith and in their journey as full members of the Body of Christ.
Be with our new council members and give them wisdom to accomplish the duties they have taken on. We give thanks for the commitment and service this past year for all who are going off council and for all who will remain. Continue to guide them in the direction you want ministry to happen here at Faith.
May your word be planted in the lives of our 3rd graders who will be receiving their Bibles. May they and their parents enjoy time together reading your word.
We thank you for the quilters who gather again to make quilts for the needy and homeless individuals within our community and in the world. We also thank you for all who gather to make prayer shawls. Bless their times together.
Be with all who are involved in the planning and implementing our Youth, Children and Family Ministry. May we all serve and participate in some way by using the gifts and talents that you have given us.
We thank you for the many voices in our choir as they once again praise you through their music each Sunday.
Watch over all our snowbirds as they travel to warmer climates for the winter months.
Help us to slow down; to stop and notice; to reflect and give thanks; for all the goodness that is all around us. Help us show our gratefulness in how we serve you. AMEN