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October 2024 Prayer Ministries

“Be Watchful and Pray -  Words and Actions”

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29

In our culture today, we see more and more chaos and division due to nasty rhetoric and hasty actions that seems to dominate conversations and the news.  Many times every day, we are faced with multiple circumstances to speak and act.  We may not always realize how powerful our words and actions can be and the impact they may have on others.  What we say and do can either build up or tear down lives.  God warned us that if we are not careful, our hasty words and actions have the potential to inflame and result in a negative and lasting impact on others as well as on our own lives.

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words.

Watch your words, they become your actions.

Watch your actions, they become your habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”  

Author - Lao Tzu

So, if what you’re about to say will be cruel, harsh, and unnecessary, don’t say it.  If your actions will have a momentary or lasting negative effect, then don’t do it.  Instead pray and ask God to guide your speech and give you the right words.  Ask for transforming power to renew your heart so what you do is right.  Whenever you hear or witness others saying and doing harmful things, also pray for God to intervene in their lives and to give them the knowledge between what is good and bad, what is right and wrong, and what can be helpful or hurtful.  God gave us our voices and with it a heart to do what is right for all his children.

Heavenly Father, as we step into a new month, help us to embrace October with its changing colors and cooler breezes.   May it remind us that change is an integral part of your divine design.     So, let this month be a time of examination, growth, and renewal in our lives.   Just as the trees shed their leaves, may we shed our burdens, regrets, and negative thoughts that hinder us from moving forward and help us be prepared for whatever comes our way.  And, as we enter a new church year, may we see how you have called each of us to serve you using our gifts to help make our ministry programs and activities a success.   

  • Encourage us to get involved in the Bible Studies that are being offered this fall.  May those who attend find it a time of learning and growing deeper in their faith. 

  • Bring energy to our new Young Adult group.  As they come together, be with them and guide them as they start this new and exciting group.

  • Stir in the hearts of those who might be interested in joining our church family on Reformation Sunday, October 27.  May they find us to be an open and welcoming congregation that helps them to grow in their faith.  

  • Our young people are the future of this church and you have given us the responsibility to lead and guide them in their faith development.  As our children and youth ministry programs begin for the year, bring forth the workers necessary to make these ministry programs successful.  

  • We thank you for the service and dedication of the council members who have served our church in a leadership role and are now going off council.  Be with our new and continuing council members and guide them in the duties they have taken on.  May the rest of us be willing to accept the call to help them with the ministry work of this church.  Guide us in using our gifts and talents where we are called to help. 

  • As we break bread together on October 6 and celebrate World Communion Sunday, may we remember that the Lord’s supper comes to all of us, regardless of where we live and how it is celebrated.

  • Plant your word in the lives of our 3rd graders as they receive their Bibles.  Bring enthusiasm and excitement as they, along with their parents, spend time together reading your word.  

  • As our choir returns, call forth all who have an interest in serving you through their gift of music.  We give thanks for the many involved in our music programs.  Continue to bless them as they praise you through their music.  

  • You have called us to be there for one another.  May we be there for the sick and those in pain, to visit the homebound, to  console those who grieve, to be a friend to those who suffer loneliness, and to reach out to those in need.  We lift up all who are on our prayer network and those in our personal prayers.  Be with them all as you surround them with your love.  

  • Bless Myla, Athea and Sage as they are welcomed into our family of Faith through their baptism.  Guide their families and sponsors and lead us as a congregation to be part of their journey in their Christian faith.  

  • We thank you for all who gather to make quilts for the needy and homeless and those who make prayer shawls for  individuals needing prayers of comfort.  Bless these groups and their times together.

  • Help us to be concerned for the feelings of others.  Fill us with understanding and the knowledge and the beauty that comes with caring for our neighbors in need.  Give us the power of the Holy Spirit so we may live lives that honor you by welcoming all who worship with us.  In October, we especially pray for

    • Week of October 6 – Pam Geiger; Geoff, Shanessa, Nevaeh, Parker Gesell, Tom and Diane Gibas.

    • Week of October 13 – Marlene Green Ron & Pat Gudim, Al and Sue Gustner, Brady and Aleia Haggberg.

    • Week of October 20 – Bubbles and Phyllis Haggberg, David and Susie Haggberg, Donald Haggberg.

    • Week of October 27 – Dorothy Haggberg; Jeremy, Teagen, Hunter, and Tucker Haggberg.

  • Watch over all our snowbirds as they travel to warmer climates for the winter months.  Keep them safe and be with them during the time we are apart.  

  • Go with our children and youth as they participate in Halloween activities.  Watch over them and keep them always safe.

  • Be with our church representatives and those from other churches within the NE Minnesota Synod as they gather on October 12, for the “Walking Together event with a focus on World Hunger.  

Continue to work in and through our lives so we may strive to serve you unconditionally.  AMEN

Blessing:   Ellory Christianson, Diane Gibas, Nancy Hendry, Dave Morneau, Doc Moss, Sandy Nies, Carolyn Nutt, Pam Peterson, Mary Sears, 

Cheryl Ten Bruin.  

Note:  Prayer shawls are available in the Chapel

Please take and give away to anyone whom you feel is in need of prayer.

we ask that you record in the Shawl book, the date and to whom the shawl is given.

(This helps to not deliver multiple shawls to the same individual.)


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