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Prayer Ministry June 2023

To LOVE God is to LOVE others Love is the greatest thing in the world. It is the greatest privilege and power known to man. Living in this hectic and fast paced world, we tend to become blind to the many needs of the people around us. But, God does not turn a blind eye to his people. He knows everyone’s needs and he knows just how desperately they need someone to be a listening ear, to extend a helping hand, and to show compassion in their time of need. Have you ever taken the time to think that maybe, just maybe God is calling you to be there to meet their needs. Some may be friends, or family, or even strangers. Regardless of who they are, God has picked you as his chosen one. He wants to work in your life, to open your eyes to see the needs around you and to open your heart to know what needs to be done. All he asks is to let his grace flow through you to the very people he places in your life. The kind of love we are asked to express comes to us from God and only God. Since we have been made in his image, he has made each of us capable of showing that same love to others. A love that is supernatural. A love that is radical. A love that is only possible when God is with us.

Children’s Prayer Time Dear Jesus, help me each day to show my family and friends that I care about them and love them in the same way that you love me. Amen.

We Pray for: Father’s Day, June 18 “Come to the Water” on Wednesday evenings, June 21 - August 16 Feed My Starving Children event, June 24 Youth Mission trip to Niagara Falls, June 2-9 WOW, Monday, June 12 9:30 Worship Sunday Coffee Fellowship Church Council Building & Property Caring Ministry Team Children’s Education Ministry Team Connect Ministry Team Faith in Action Finance/Human Resources Local & Global Missions Music Ministry Prayer Ministry Team Prayer Shawl Quilting Stewardship Ministry Team WELCA Worship Ministry Team Youth Ministry team Youth Group “Common Prayer Time” Every Wednesday - pray from home or at Church “Pray with your directory” Lift up individuals/families in the church directory each time you pray. “Personal Prayer” Need of personal prayer: Seek prayer during communion on Sunday’s or contact any prayer team member who will pray with you.


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