Re: Renovation Project - Your Help Is Requested
Faith Lutheran Church
220 East Lake Street
PO Box 71
Isle, Minnesota 56342
June 20, 2023
To: Faith Lutheran Members and Friends
Re: Renovation Project - Your Help Is Requested
Dear Members and Friends:
The North Wing (also known as the Education Wing) is the oldest part of our building. It was dedicated in September 1972, almost 51 years ago. It was originally used as the fellowship hall, office, kitchen, and classrooms before the new sanctuary and fellowship hall were built in 1987. The North Wing has had a few updates over the past 51 years. However, in the past few years, it has become apparent that more significant renovations are needed.
During COVID, a significant ceiling project was begun in the large community room. While a large portion of the work was accomplished, the project isn’t complete. The ceilings in several rooms in the North Wing are in poor condition. The insulation in the attic space needs to be fixed. The carpeting in the North Wing is badly worn.
The church council has decided to complete the renovation project. The project will include completing the ceilings and painting the large community room. Ceilings will be replaced in the classrooms and meeting rooms in the North Wing. New carpeting will be installed in the North Wing. The cost of all the renovations will be approximately $22,000.
How can you help? Please PRAY for the successful completion of the renovation project. Please GIVE generously to the renovation fund. The renovation project is an expense which is over and above our regular operating budget. Please mark your check or note on your electronic donation that the funds are to go to the Renovation Fund.
Our goal is to have the renovation project completed by September 1st. Faith Lutheran will be celebrating our 60th anniversary on September 10th, 2023. Thank you for your continued faithful and generous support of the mission and ministry of Faith Lutheran Church.
Faith Lutheran Church Council